
Overheated igloo

Random stuff… including slime recipes and building a hovercraft!



A follow for a follow

New blog

Hi guys!

Please check out my new blog:

It’s about hacking video games and stuff.

Have fun!


Mandarin Ducks

Hi everyone, and welcome to another round of Overheated Igloo!

Now, if you have read the title, you are probably thinking: What the heck are mandarin ducks?

Well, they’re my latest obsession.

They also look like this:


Go ahead people. GAAASSSSP! (And, no, it’s not photoshopped.)

So what are mandarin ducks?

They’re ducks.

Sorry for the disappointing post.

I just wanted to show you a mandarin duck.



Hi everyone!

So today I was sort of bored, so I went over to play this card game called Exploding Kittens (you should get it- it’s really awesome!) Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 10.02.48 AM.png

I just sort of looked at the cards because no one wanted to play with me 😦  and a card caught my eye.



The Tacocat card, which dons a yellow, semi circle cat with meat, veggies and cheese in it. Oh, yes, it also states: “I am a palindrome!”

So now you’re probably thinking: “What in the world is a palindrome, and why are you blogging about it?”

Well, a palindrome is a word or a phrase that is spelled the same backwards. Here are some other examples:

-Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?

-Eva, can I see bees in a cave? (which is slightly less violent then the former…)

-Sir, red rum is murder.

-A car, a man, a maraca

-A santa at nasa

-Mr. owl ate my metal worm

-Anne, I vote more cars race Rome to Vienna

-A dog! A panic in a pagoda!

-Amy, must I jujitsu my ma?

-As I pee, sir, I see Pisa!


Well, that’s all for today. See ya next time!


Team save the children

Hi guys!

Today I was thinking: What should I blog about? Then it occurred to me: I always blog about diy projects, puns, and slime, but I never, ever EVER have blogged about something that may change the lives of others before. I mean, slime is nice, but the recipe that I’m working on for fluffy slime with no glue isn’t exactly going to make a big difference in the world.

Okay, people, don’t get me wrong, I WILL STILL BE BLOGGING ABOUT DIY PROJECTS AND PUNS AND SLIME! But I decided that every month I will write about an interesting and inspiring charity.

For September, I decided to blog about a charity called Team Save the Children by Colour Outside the Lines. This charity is made by a 13 year old girl living in Canada who loves art. She realized that she was very fortunate to have an education, but she also noticed that some other children don’t have the privilege to go to school.

She could’ve done two things: She could’ve just sat there and felt sorry for those kids, or she could’ve went and made a change. And I hope all of you do what she decided to do: make a change.

She combined her love of art and her determination to do something about this issue and made a charity! You can find her website (and donate) just by clicking on the link below:

Now if you donate to her cause, she will draw a picture of your choice for you! Isn’t that cool???

I think we can all be inspired by this amazing individual. You don’t have to be rich or powerful or famous to make a change in the world. All it takes is one step.

Please support this cause by visiting her website and donating.

Thank you so much for reading, peeps. Have a great week!

5 things to make with hot glue:

Hi guys! Yesterday I was looking on the web because I was so bored and I came across a video that teaches things to make with hot glue. So here are some ideas on stuff to make with hot glue (P.S. some of them are mine and some of them are from the video):


#1: Hot glue erasers.

This one’s really easy and it’s good to do when you just need something mindless to keep you occupied. You basically just squirt out a medium ball or circle of hot glue, and voila! You have an eraser. Now, be warned this eraser is more for fun or if you can’t go buy an eraser last minute. It is not exactly the best eraser in the world because rubbing it creates friction, which causes heat, which makes the plastic to turn back into a sticky adhesive which sometimes gets stuck to your sheet of paper. To remove it from your paper, simply start rubbing it more slowly in a circular motion so that the hot glue gets picked up from the sheet. Don’t let this stop you though! Apart from getting stuck to your page, this eraser actually works pretty well. I didn’t think that it would work, but trust me, it does. One last note for this project: If you somehow rub this on a metal or wood desk (well, who has a metal desk but whatever) you can get it off by applying rubbing alcohol to the surface. it should come off quite easily after that! (P.S. you can also squirt a little onto the end of an eraser-less pencil to make a pencil eraser, but a big eraser works better for me personally!)


#2: Hot glue pencil grip.

Ever find your hand slipping off your pencil? Ever feel like you just can’t hold your slippery marker? Well, fear no more! (Haha, kidding.) This one is pretty simple just slowly spin your writing device around and around as you squirt out hot glue to make it look like a pencil grip. If you want, you can even go on top of previous layers until it is as thick as you want it to be.


#3: One of those swirly hair tie thingies.

You know those swirly plastic hair ties?


You can make them out of hot glue!

Just swirl hot glue around a pencil, wait for it to dry, and then connect the ends with more hot glue.


That’s it for today guys. Thanks for reading!

How to Train Your Dragon 3

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m really excited for how to train your dragon 3!!!


I just thought I would share this gif with you:




Hi guys… yeah


let’s get started



I was going to make myself a belt of watches, but then I realized it was a waist of time.


What do you call a bee who can’t make up it’s mind?

A maybee


What do you call a pig that does karate?

A pork chop.


What did the volcano say to his wife?

I lava you.


What do you call a magic owl?


More puns






How to make… stuff (read on!!!)

Hey guys. Today I’ve come to you with three of my favourite awesome, random DIYs that I found from this awesome website called Bored Panda (click on the link below to visit the website!).

Bored Panda:


#1: Veggie roses



#2: A spoonful of necklacescreative-diy-ideas-3-2.jpgcreative-diy-ideas-3-1.jpgcreative-diy-ideas-3-4.jpg


#3: Art with a recycled pop bottle! (but seriously, this is so cool!)




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