Hi guys!

Today I was thinking: What should I blog about? Then it occurred to me: I always blog about diy projects, puns, and slime, but I never, ever EVER have blogged about something that may change the lives of others before. I mean, slime is nice, but the recipe that I’m working on for fluffy slime with no glue isn’t exactly going to make a big difference in the world.

Okay, people, don’t get me wrong, I WILL STILL BE BLOGGING ABOUT DIY PROJECTS AND PUNS AND SLIME! But I decided that every month I will write about an interesting and inspiring charity.

For September, I decided to blog about a charity called Team Save the Children by Colour Outside the Lines. This charity is made by a 13 year old girl living in Canada who loves art. She realized that she was very fortunate to have an education, but she also noticed that some other children don’t have the privilege to go to school.

She could’ve done two things: She could’ve just sat there and felt sorry for those kids, or she could’ve went and made a change. And I hope all of you do what she decided to do: make a change.

She combined her love of art and her determination to do something about this issue and made a charity! You can find her website (and donate) just by clicking on the link below:


Now if you donate to her cause, she will draw a picture of your choice for you! Isn’t that cool???

I think we can all be inspired by this amazing individual. You don’t have to be rich or powerful or famous to make a change in the world. All it takes is one step.

Please support this cause by visiting her website and donating.

Thank you so much for reading, peeps. Have a great week!